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Kért forditàsok - Pedreco

Nyelvröl forditàs
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Erdmények 1-4 a teljesböl korülbelül 4
Nyelvröl forditàs
Szerb Vrednost ugovora je 1.200,00 EUR u dinarskoj...
Vrednost ugovora je 1.200,00 EUR u dinarskoj protivvrednosti na dan isplate.
Ovaj prevod mora biti tačan, jer je u pitanju prevod rečenice za ugovor

Befejezett forditàsok
Angol The value of the contract
Brazíliai portugál O valor do contrato é...
Nyelvröl forditàs
Angol Sou jornalista brasileiro, com Mestrado em...
I am a Brazilian journalist, with Master's degree in Communication, and focused in international news. My specialty area is Eastern Europe, the Balkans, former Yugoslavia and the former USSR. I'm fluent in English, Spanish and my native Portuguese, and beguinner in Serbo-Croatian, Russian, and Romanian. I have worked in a news agency and major newspapers in Brazil, including as reporter, staff writer, and overseas stringer. Also experienced in teaching Journalism (print).
This is a brief resume presentation. Some journalistic jargon is used, such as "print" (a reference to newspapers and magazines, not TV or radio), "staff writer" ('redacteur' in French) and "stringer" (a foreign correspondent who is not hired, but works on a free-lance basis).

Befejezett forditàsok
Orosz Я бразильский журналист...
Szerb Predstavljanje